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Healthcare Professionals
Competency Testing
(A National Credentialing Organization)
For Certifications Issued after September 30th, 2023, HPCT would require an annual completion of 15 continuing education (CE) hours and the payment of an annual recertification fee of $99.
For certifications issued before October 1st, 2023, 30 CE hours is needed as well as $195 recertification fee. See details for recertification below.

Recertification of HPCT Credentials involves two steps:
STEP ONE: Submit two documents (a) copy of your expiring certification (b) proof of completion of 30 Hours CE to (CE documents could be multiple documents)
Accepted CE certs are :
1. CE courses completed in healthcare facilities
2. CE courses completed in educational institutions
3. CE courses completed with nursing associations Click here
STEP Two: Pay for your recertification
STEP TWO: Fill out the form below
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